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Full Version: ET alien wars on earth coming..
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By Clif High - February 20, 2024

The Contention against the ELohim, the space alien 'gods' of the jews, will begin on Earth, though it won't end here.

It will unfold as the building emotional tension reaches a peak. This will be actually 'triggered' by the EL-ites, the minions of the ELohim, instructing their military to put down popular uprising. The Contention will spark off with a combination of military refusal, and civilian actions. Some military will follow orders. It will not end well for them as the global, western, populace is not willing to be passively killed. Many, very intense, points of fighting will break out in several countries.

The unfolding violence will not go the way that the EL-ites anticipate. There will be a disruption of the EL-ite planning from the intelligent reactions by the populace. Soon, many military units will be 'dis-abled' and remove themselves from the conflict. Some will throw in with the civilian populace, even early in the Contention.

The rapid change of the EL-ite plans will arise because of the incoming reports of their various points of infrastructure being attacked with precision, and determination, and ingenuity. ELohim Worship cult centers will be assaulted. They will be infiltrated, videos made, drone attacks, videos made, assassinations, videos made, and it will become something of a daily popular quest, to find the new videos of the EL-ites and the results of the attacks. ELohim worship centers all around the planet will be occupied, and examined. Videos will be made. Fights will break out between the human herd harvester ELohim worshipers, and the populace invading their ‘worship’ centers in search of proof of human harvest. Videos will be made.

We have data suggesting the 'denial of service' attacks will take place on physical structures such as central bank buildings, and offices, as well as money center banks. It does not take very much at all to deny access to a building to humans by chemical means. How many people will willingly go to work at their central bank when the building reeks of skunk smell? Or worse?

Live by the network, die by the network. The idea of the EL-ite to respond to the physical DOS attacks with remote work, does not function. Again. Technology is a lifeline that can be choked off. Major data transmission centers in cities can easily be taken off line by other inputs (random laser attacks), or physical assaults such as bombing by drones.

Further exacerbating the woes of the EL-ites will be the "Sudden Death Syndrome" that sweeps through their ranks very rapidly once the contention escalates to kinetic activity. Not only is their confidence shaken as so many of them perish due to 'external causes', but, their ability to think descends to a generation of mid-wits who then start making lots of mistakes in both planning and the execution of those plans.

Very rapidly, as within mere months, the EL-ites cease to function as an effective global network, and many of the individuals are on the run, fleeing for their lives. Property, wealth, and treasure, as well as very historically important documents are seized by the People's Global Revolution.

Somewhere within the first few months of the open Contention with the ELohim, people with both skills, and knowledge, become liberated by the assaults on the fiat currencies. These 'hole in the ground', and 'deep dark projects' people emerge. Deals are made for immunity in exchange for knowledge & "the goods" on the suppressed technology. Some time after this, maybe within 8 months or so, the populace begins mounting 'expeditions' to Antarctica, and begins actively dispersing information about what is occurring on the Moon.

Even in the midst of the heady early days of the Uprising, new inventions spring from the release of this new information. Many mistakes are made with disasters happening in several 'back yard' shops where tinkering was under way. However, in spite of spectacular destruction in some areas, new inventions such as a 'MB (microwave beam)' hand held 'blaster' (after I.Asimov) will emerge. These will be very useful in later aspects of Contention with the Elohim. Especially on the Moon.

A major point of the Great Awakening, soon to strike even those humans who are certain that they, as individuals, are clearly awake, and redpilled, will be the emergence of the Elohim into common public discussion. This discourse will NOT be as the old and moldy strange gods of the jews (Torah), but rather as corporeal beings, in our solar system now, and maybe here on earth, especially in Antarctica, and actively directing events and plans here on Earth. This will come with the knowledge that the Elohim are harvesting humans globally at fantastic numbers annually. We will have sure and certain knowledge about how this occurs, and (mostly) the ‘why’ of it all. That knowledge will be very disturbing to many people.

Those humans involved in the harvesting of the human herd will become pariah, and many will perish as retribution is taken for missing relatives & friends. This will be part of the initial, chaotic period, of the contention.

What is coming to You, the USA, the planet, and Humanity is NOT a War. In all of human history, Wars have been planned, instigated, controlled, and settled, by central bankers for their profit. Wars are a narradigm construct, not organic forms of contention. Wars are said to be active in ‘theaters’ as they are a form of scripted, controlled and planned, event.

As an aspect of the manifesting HyperNovelty period, in which all claims to ‘authority’, including religious, are swept away by manifesting reality, War, as we have known it in the past, will fade as the Contention between our species, and the Elohim, emerges.

It is time Humanity matures out of the delusions of War to see the Contention provided by Universe for our education and advancement.

What?!? You thought ‘ascension’ was a pleasant process?

(21-02-2024, 06:58 PM)singaporean1964 Wrote: [ -> ]The Contention against the ELohim, the space alien 'gods' of the jews, will begin on Earth, though it won't end here. It will unfold as the building emotional tension reaches a peak. This will be actually 'triggered' by the EL-ites, the minions of the ELohim, instructing their military to put down popular uprising. The Contention will spark off with a combination of military refusal, and civilian actions. Some military will follow orders. It will not end well for them as the global, western, populace is not willing to be passively killed. Many, very intense, points of fighting will break out in several countries.

Who is E.T.?  The "Extra Testicle"? Hahaha!