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Full Version: Loh Kean Yew wins semi Sunday meets Axelsen in Final
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Want to cheer for Sg hero. Loh Kean Yew.....

Okay found the live stream in YouTube...starting soon

Loh wins....tomorrow is finals.
Watch from utube. Likely not live.
Is match on? Or over already.

Did he win?
Okay finally found out how to watch live here.:

Loh Won 2 set 3.
Already over. Tomorrow he will face Darth Vader.
Very impressive indeed. A champion in waiting.
Loh wins....tomorrow finals against Axelson
Penang produces many champions n we r lucky to have him over.
Our island will shine even brighter in the sports world esp in the badmintan arena...was told one or two billionaires, badminton crazy , used to fly to see top players displaying their superb skills
(27-11-2021, 10:41 PM)dynamite Wrote: [ -> ]Already over. Tomorrow he will face Darth Vader.

Here is the full match
You play Badminton ?
Betting odds for finals...rough 25% chance of winning based on odds from betting house Ladbrokes

[Image: ukHUJqj.jpg]