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Full Version: Our PM got walk on the ground like him or not?
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Hope to see improvement at bumi airport...queue really too long last time..
Then subsequent trip i fly to Don M to avoid crowd.
(27-02-2024, 07:45 AM)Sharexchange Wrote: [ -> ]

Perhaps our PM walks the ground at his constituency once every 5 years before the GE.
(27-02-2024, 08:10 AM)EvertonDiehard Wrote: [ -> ]Perhaps our PM walks the ground at his constituency once every 5 years before the GE.
 I see. Every 5 years. Good life indeed.
How to be unannounced? His body guards can manage? The car (convoy) reached the airport only all eyes on him liao. How to be unannounced?
if our PM want to walk the ground, many ppl will had sleepless nights in order to keep the floor clean, the lifts working, the hawker center go thru a thorough cleaning, the car park reserved many parking lots for his CC or grassloot ppl and many paul lambar PAP branch officers.
(27-02-2024, 09:37 AM)K88 shu shu Wrote: [ -> ]if our PM want to walk the ground, many ppl will had sleepless nights in order to keep the floor clean, the lifts working, the hawker center go thru a thorough cleaning, the car park reserved many parking lots for his CC or grassloot ppl and many paul lambar PAP branch officers.

If our PM and MPs want to know what it is really like for residents, they must pay surprise visits, and not give their grassroots organizations advance notice so that the surroundings are in pristine condition just for them (the politicians). 
(27-02-2024, 09:18 AM)Buffybuffy Wrote: [ -> ]How to be unannounced? His body guards can manage? The car (convoy) reached the airport only all eyes on him liao. How to be unannounced?

Only the PM's entourage should know. The rest do not need to be given advanced notice. The MP for that constituency should be informed the day before so he can receive the PM, but not have enough time to make the area look far more pleasant than on normal days. 
(27-02-2024, 09:55 AM)EvertonDiehard Wrote: [ -> ]Only the PM's entourage should know. The rest do not need to be given advanced notice. The MP for that constituency should be informed the day before so he can receive the PM, but not have enough time to make the area look far more pleasant than on normal days. 
Have lah. OT is free flow
(27-02-2024, 10:15 AM)Buffybuffy Wrote: [ -> ]Have lah. OT is free flow

No MP wants to look bad in front of his PM after all. 
(27-02-2024, 09:37 AM)K88 shu shu Wrote: [ -> ]if our PM want to walk the ground, many ppl will had sleepless nights in order to keep the floor clean, the lifts working, the hawker center go thru a thorough cleaning, the car park reserved many parking lots for his CC or grassloot ppl and many paul lambar PAP branch officers.

Looking at the way he walks, I cringed every time. Walk like an Ah Q***
(27-02-2024, 12:21 PM)Gstalk Wrote: [ -> ]Looking at the way he walks, I cringed every time. Walk like an Ah Q***

He walks like he has vertigo, or maybe it is due to his big ego.