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Full Version: Some commuters who switched to SimplyGo can collect an older EZ-Link card
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Some commuters who switched to SimplyGo can collect an older EZ-Link card from Mar 18 to Jun 30
Collect? Must pay $3 or $5 ?

Just let me UP that Fck up SimplyGone Case to EZ link so that my GIRO still can be used
I don't bother, isn't they stick to current system? Wait till cannot use than go station control rm change.
Smile lol mistake is those kiasu go change the new simply go ex card

Now they can changed back to origin ez link card for free.
The Govt is making a total misinterpretation and misleading statement to say old EZ Link Card when it is clearly the Sinply Go is the Old and messed Up garbage that should be disposed.

Now, can the Govt tell us where to dispose it? At MP Chee’s house?