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South African medical association says Omicron variant causes 'mild disease' only

Today at 6:21 AM

"It presents mild disease with symptoms being sore muscles and tiredness for a day or two not feeling well. So far, we have detected that those infected do not suffer loss of taste or smell. They might have a slight cough. There are no prominent symptoms. Of those infected some are currently being treated at home," Coetzee said

The official noted that hospitals have not been overburdened by Omicron patients and that the new strain is not been detected in vaccinated persons. At the same time, the situation might be different for the unvaccinated.

We will only know this after two weeks. Yes, it is transmissible, but for now, as medical practitioners, we do not know why so much hype is being driven as we are still looking into it. We will only know after two to three weeks as there are some patients admitted and these are young people aged 40 and younger," Coetzee added.

Omicron Variant First Detected In Four "Fully Vaxx'd" People, SA Medical Chief Only Seen "Very, Very Mild Cases"

The new ‘Omicron’ variant of COVID-19 was first detected in four people who were fully vaccinated, according to a public statement by the Botswana government

The new variant, which some claim is three times more contagious, was initially discovered in Botswana before it spread across South Africa.

The news was met with global alarm, prompting financial markets to plummet and new travel bans to be put in place.

According to a public statement by the Botswana government, the new mutation was first discovered in four people who had received both doses of the COVID-19 vaccine.

According to the report, four cases of the new variant “were reported and recorded” on November 22.

“The preliminary report revealed that all the four had been completely vaccinated for COVID-19,” according to Botswana authorities.

In a subsequent statement, the government revealed that the new variant “was detected on four foreign nationals who had entered Botswana on the 7th November 2021, on a diplomatic mission

The quartet tested positive for COVID-19 on the 11th November 2021 as they were preparing to return,” according to the statement.

In a piece of good news, others who had close contact with the infectees “have no COVID-19 symptoms and have tested negative for COVID-19.”

As we highlighted earlier, according to Belgian Prime Minister , the Omicron variant is so potentially devastating that it should be called ‘COVID-21’.

Meanwhile, South Africa’s medical chief Dr. Angelique Coetzee described the panic as a “storm in a teacup,” adding that she had only seen “very very mild cases” of the variant so far