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Full Version: TikToker :Taylor Swift Exclusivity deal was leaked by Taylor Swift's Company
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The Thai leader asked her company why don't they come to Thailand ....they told him Singaoore paid for exclusive deal...

So is Singapore going to go after Taylor Swift whose company leaked the deal? Don't think so, they are only good at bullying the poor and weak....why don't they POFMA the Thai leader for saying its $3M per concert since they claim it's not true.
If LKY in charge I not sure he will sue but again during his time he also see ppl some he don’t dare to touch.
(05-03-2024, 09:45 PM)[[ForeverAlone]] Wrote: [ -> ]If LKY in charge I not sure he will sue but again during his time he also see ppl some he don’t dare to touch.

Like who he doesn’t dare to touch huh?
(05-03-2024, 10:38 PM)Buffybuffy Wrote: [ -> ]Like who he doesn’t dare to touch huh?

His lao bei lor.
pofma ish for fixing sinkies only

remember last time the taiwan show talk about ho ching, think ish about her salary..
then edmwer posted the youtube link also tio pofma
(05-03-2024, 10:58 PM)twinkle07 Wrote: [ -> ]pofma ish for fixing sinkies only

remember last time the taiwan show talk about ho ching, think ish about her salary..
then edmwer posted the youtube link also tio pofma

That one is ONLY FIX LOCAL, where Taiwan side NEVER ACTION.
Aiya politicians are like that