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Full Version: TP will finally wake up liao
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Happened at rich people's place. Two children injured. If it happened at Yishun, no one will care but rich people's children may be involved liao. Rejoice.
lets hope so
our traffic laws re drunk driving are way too lenient
(06-03-2024, 03:37 PM)wendychan Wrote: [ -> ]lets hope  so
our traffic laws re drunk driving are way too lenient

iirc a famous dr beat right light and his assistant claim he was the driver and was subsequently fined only $1K but the dr was not charged for "obstructing justic".
(06-03-2024, 03:45 PM)K88 shu shu Wrote: [ -> ]iirc a famous dr beat right light and his assistant claim he was the driver and was subsequently fined only $1K but the dr was not charged for "obstructing justic".
Exactly the reason why drink driving punishment can never to harsh.
it is becos spore drink driving punishments are not sever enough

lta n the court still do not think so the seriouness of problems incld loss of life loss of love loss of sole breadwinner  etc

it shld be:
vehicle conficated
fine 5k n above
licence immediately cancelled
jail for at least 1yr onwards depending on seriousness of drink driving