SG Talk

Full Version: Removal of CPF SA and increase of retirement age are linked...
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When the PAP speaks please.listen carefully.

They want Singaporeans to work longer and retire later.
They have said this many they are serious. Their desire is not for you to retire early ...if can they want you never to retire.

That is why option for  people to delay withdrawing from CPF Life to 70yrs old was created.

Now CPF SA  is closed so no more high guaranteed interest which people can rely on.

Retirement age increase further.

Cost of living especially food medical transport increase to make retirement unaffordable.

Over time I believe they will sell the concept of not retiring to Singaporeans.

When asked if they can retirement 6 in 10 Singaooreans say they have to work....why? Because they cannot afford retiremenet

[Image: 1J8qkGp.jpeg]

Keep in mind the above survey when they asked Singaporeans why they have to work longer they say they cannot afford to retire.

Read what Lawrence Wong says about why people work after retirmenet. He claims that people think their health will deteriorate if they stop working . It's a total disconnect from what Singaporeans say.

Based on their misunderstanding of Singaporeans needs they create policies that we don't want and hurts Singaporeans.

[Image: bC93Vck.jpeg]

So by making it harder for Singaporeans in the PAP mind they are doing us a favor to prevent our health from deteriorating.

See the problem with a govt living in ivory tower? They are detached from reality.
Don't know who are the 61% Idiots, lah

There are not enough suitable jobs for 127 professions

That has age limit, budget constraints and 5 levels ( Asst, Mgr, Director . . )

[Image: CCS-3-5-M-jobs-for-2-5-M-Sp.jpg]