SG Talk

Full Version: College Student Accused of Killing 6 People, Including 4 Young Children
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Wrongly posted this news with the wrong thread title earlier. Since posted, might as well post it with the correct thread title.
(11-03-2024, 08:03 AM)Levin Wrote: [ -> ]Wrongly posted this news with the wrong thread title earlier. Since posted, might as well post it with the correct thread title.

at Sammyboy................this is what we call...................SELF-CULL.............
Ottawa is a very clean ànd orderly capital city with low crime rate. But extremely boring throughout the years and especially during the winters when the sun sets at 3, 4pm and most shops are closed at around 6pm
(11-03-2024, 10:20 AM)WhatDoYouThink! Wrote: [ -> ]Ottawa is a very clean ànd orderly capital city with low crime rate. But extremely boring throughout the years and especially during the winters when the sun sets at 3, 4pm and most shops are closed at around 6pm

Good for baby making