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Full Version: 24 year-old Vietbu masseuse cries and runs away after being bitten by "oily fat man"
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this news is more than century old.
Vietbu posting singapore way of writing
One netizen commented that the whole story was fake & made up! The police would have arrested het for working illegally in Singapore on a tourist visa!

What crap story!
This reminds me of the 1976 Chinese budget movie
[Image: MV5BNGFlYmYzMmQtMjMwNi00YmE4LThiYTQtMTU5...@._V1_.jpg]
Could it be 5354?
(17-03-2024, 01:19 PM)EvertonDiehard Wrote: [ -> ]This reminds me of the 1976 Chinese budget movie
[Image: MV5BNGFlYmYzMmQtMjMwNi00YmE4LThiYTQtMTU5...@._V1_.jpg]

Got link to full movie? If you provide I up your rep
(17-03-2024, 08:24 PM)Hamletprince Wrote: [ -> ]Got link to full movie? If you provide I up your rep

orang minyak
(17-03-2024, 10:52 PM)sgh Wrote: [ -> ]orang minyak

"Grease" is the word

[Image: 636475814552368196-Grease-Still-KS-Prom-C-7.jpg]
I hate people posting old news as new!
(17-03-2024, 01:19 PM)EvertonDiehard Wrote: [ -> ]This reminds me of the 1976 Chinese budget movie
[Image: MV5BNGFlYmYzMmQtMjMwNi00YmE4LThiYTQtMTU5...@._V1_.jpg]

(17-03-2024, 08:31 PM)KILLjoy Wrote: [ -> ]

So he's like Incredible Hulk but just oily?
(17-03-2024, 08:31 PM)KILLjoy Wrote: [ -> ]

aiseh the girl nnp jin big wor