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Full Version: We have a Chinese de-risking problem: where else can we find a billion consumers?
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This American businessman is doing business in China, he said there are so many American brands in China, that is more than the total number of the American brands in Korea and Japan added up…there are 7 Starbucks stores at the malls near where he stands, American companies are not leaving China after they have invested so many and made billions of money every year…they won’t be able to make so much money else where. So while the U.S. government asked companies to leave China, the U.S. companies stay on in China.
India has 1.4 billion consumers also!  Laughing
(25-03-2024, 03:25 PM)alanis Wrote: [ -> ]India has 1.4 billion consumers also!  Laughing

India may have big population but most of them are poor, can’t afford buying expensive goods from the U.S….China has 1 billion consumers who have money and are willing to spend…that makes a big difference
(25-03-2024, 03:25 PM)alanis Wrote: [ -> ]India has 1.4 billion consumers also!  Laughing

American should sell Bryani in Endia