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Full Version: Public service leaders must have courage to advise ministers even when they disagree
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Acting as angel at the expense of fellowman when election is coming.....šŸ“šŸ“
We should always remember what Ngiam Tong Dow has said about high salaries of ministers. This also applies to high salaries given to public service leaders.

Quote:"In the early days, Lim Kim San and Goh Keng Swee worked night and day, and they were truly dedicated. I donā€™t know whether Lee Kuan Yew will agree but it started going downhill when we started to raise ministersā€™ salaries, not even pegging them to theĀ national salary but aligning them with the top ten,ā€ said Ngiam. ā€œWhen you raise ministersā€™ salaries to the point that theyā€™re earning millions of dollars, every minister ā€“ no matter how much he wants to turn up and tell Hsien Loong off or whatever ā€“ will hesitate when he thinks of his million-dollar salary. Even if he wants to do it, his wife will stop him."
(27-03-2024, 12:23 AM)Blasterlord2 Wrote: [ -> ]We should always remember what Ngiam Tong Dow has said about high salaries of ministers. This also applies to high salaries given to public service leaders.
Some willing to give up these millions for mangos ok
this ridout judge jerk should be gotten rid off years ago......forever sprouting nonsense
He stay in mandai paradise
[Image: IMG-20240327-052806-814.jpg]

[Image: IMG-20240327-052641-016.jpg]
only kumgong stupid enough to risk their iron rice bowl to voice out.
won't happen in Singapore.

they will find out what the leaders want and do accordingly.
(27-03-2024, 12:16 AM)Ernesto Wrote: [ -> ]Acting as angel at the expense of fellowman when election is coming.....šŸ“šŸ“

Only devil got market lah.
Never heard of Angel got market?
If not we can close down SPF lah.
(27-03-2024, 07:51 AM)sgbuffett Wrote: [ -> ]won't happen in Singapore.

they will find out what the leaders want and do accordingly.

this is the sure success way.
This type of rhetoric is called kaki kong kaki song Big Grin
highest paid smartest ministers need advice from stupid people?

thought they very the smart one,

so confirmed they not here to provide solutions but
to bring out solutions from stupid people?
If civil serpants advise ministars that their pay are too humongously high, you know what will happen to the civil serpants?

You know and I know enuf lah