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Full Version: Aunty Yellen warning China liao! What has she achieved ?
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美歐陰溝翻船 一代產業崩落.. 2024 0331

Sure or not, the caption is what was said meh?!
Ermaos shd buy more assmarycunt and indian products to help their industries. Dun just keep buying cheap made in china stuff, you'll make them richer ànd they'll come here to buy up the properties
Can untiong? Thinking
China not stopping them from buying expensive elsewhere
(04-04-2024, 09:45 AM)p1acebo Wrote: [ -> ]Can untiong? Thinking

Auntie complained ahtiong solar panels too cheap, many us companies couldn't compete and had to shut down. If continues more us businesses would collapse
Preparing for the collapse of the US and all the big corporations like Tesla and Boeing...
wall street is controlled by the jews of the usa they call the shots-long oil, short oil, gold, whatever. china macam into lost decade like japan.
Auntie Yellen will bow 90 degree to Xi then ask China to buy more US debts.

[Image: IMG-8377.jpg]
Typical angmo logic! KKN!
(04-04-2024, 02:04 PM)A2Z Wrote: [ -> ]wall street is controlled by the jews of the usa they call the shots-long oil, short oil, gold, whatever. china macam into lost decade like japan.

China and Japan are very different!




Assmerica very jealous over this :






I think Yellen is not evil like that Pelosi.    Rolleyes
在太岁头上动土。  没人抗义? 

(05-04-2024, 02:11 PM)teaserteam Wrote: [ -> ]在太岁头上动土。  没人抗义? 

老人痴呆的太岁?  Rotfl
Looks like santa claus, that's why she was sent there. Definitely not the black dog austin
Going there to beg China again.
(04-04-2024, 02:04 PM)A2Z Wrote: [ -> ]wall street is controlled by the jews of the usa they call the shots-long oil, short oil, gold, whatever. china macam into lost decade like japan.

based on yr logic, america need NOT come China to beg. They are already winning right ? worried for what..




老狐狸。乘机播油,  然后隔岸观火。明知中国人民不吃这套。


【盧秀芳辣晚報】葉倫結束訪華行之前 講了這句話 | 葉倫 離華前表態 精華版@CtiNews

Tell her to seek help from all their allies la, like the Quad, Aukus, Five Eye and their little boy Canada! May can also ask from the Philipines!

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