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Full Version: Wow karma is real Israel PM go hospital!!!!
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Due to illness now acting PM take over
(31-03-2024, 10:22 PM)[[ForeverAlone]] Wrote: [ -> ]Due to illness now acting PM take over

Article where?
that is a good way to get out of difficult situations. hopefully the acting pm can do more good to come to a peaceful resolutions. save life. love each other.
those who seek war will have war, what goes round comes around.
(31-03-2024, 10:31 PM)pinkpanther Wrote: [ -> ]Article where?
Another serious crisis which your god my budda failed to help
Dark hands … grab his bolls …… he is creating too much problem. Next it will be Helensky ….
right now very cruel things happening to children and innocent people.

if one believes in God there will be retribution.

the rabbis have spoken out against the killings.