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Full Version: Pfizer is "deeply sorry" for misleading claim on vaccine
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We can only put the fault on this Govt we have now. Well educated but unable to think on their feet for the people.
Pap is conspiring with Pfizer to screw singkies.
Cannot be cannot be... Tongue

Fake news... fake news... Tongue

Ccp papaganda.... Tongue

Misinformation... Tongue

Disinformation... Tongue
(14-04-2024, 09:16 AM)Wy:Nox Wrote: [ -> ]We can only put the fault on this Govt we have now. Well educated but unable to think on their feet for the people.

S'pore has an overrated, overhyped and definitely overpaid Govt. They are being paid millions to be purely reactive and never proactive. Taxpayers are getting absolutely no value for the money we are paying!

[Image: Minister-Pay.jpg]
pfizer no misleading no misleading... Tongue

campbell ish a nurse a nurse... Tongue

mRNA ish safe and effective! Tongue