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Full Version: The West will say they had successfully drown those missiles and drones from Iran.
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Move on. It is difficult to fight with Iran. The ... in the Middle East.
CNN did not report that Israel military bases were bombed. Face-saving.
And the Iranian media will say that the missile hit many targets.
For those who do not believe, go and watch the Chinese news. The video showed some damaged buildings.
(14-04-2024, 09:38 AM)theold Wrote: [ -> ]Move on. It is difficult to fight with Iran. The ... in the Middle East.

are you in the right mind to post statement like this?

Israel can survive surrounded by so many muslim countries not for no reason.

think  Israel and USA should teach Iran a lesson by bomb and flatten the evil country
the world weapon scene has changed. the once isreal victory may not be there any more.

just from population base of isreal versus iran is 9.558m versus 88.55m who will exhaust out the population first.
in terms of number of people which will take at least 16 years for a young adult.

the effect on economy to susbstain a war. if red sea continue to be affected? the flow of goods to isreal and the effect on the world economy. the pressure will be to stop the war.

pray for peace. pray for evil leadership to step down.
Israel take mani mani mRNA jabs confirm ish will win cause they bery healthy and of sound mind... Tongue
Why would Iran announce that they were going to attack Israel, only for Israeli allies to get prepared and shoot them down? Is this a wayang or what?
(14-04-2024, 01:48 PM)goodboy Wrote: [ -> ]Why would Iran announce that they were going to attack Israel, only for Israeli allies to get prepared and shoot them down? Is this a wayang or what?

Cos even if they didn't announce it, US and Israel will know anyway. Might as well tell them and stand on moral high ground. If got people die, then it's their fault for insufficient preparation.
On the surface, Iran very gentleman. 
If view from this point it is tic for tac. 
But it's the unknown that is scarey. 
More to come..
cannot be cannot be... Tongue

according to geopolitical experts, iran the attacker ish ran out of missiles le... Tongue
For a more objective reporting Iook at China news and also they report on both Russia and Ukraine videos. CNN is US centric so is BBC etc Western media. They paint a glory picture as always on their adventures in Ukraine and now soon will be Israel.