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Full Version: Why Indonesia's Covid19 crisis will end soon....just watch.
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On 22 Jul 2021 ....Indonesia cases hit highs of 49K per day.
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On 22 Jul 2021 the govt okays the use of Ivermectin.
There is alot said about this drug ...uncertain and unproven etc. But I know one simple fact that I trace every single country and without fail once the govt okays the use of the drug the cases will fall.  In India it is even more startling different states allowed the use of Ivermectin at different time ....and the cases fall  from peak based on when they allowed and distribute this drug. What is amazing to me is the level of denial and refusal to see all this.

Indonesia is latest country to use Ivermectin....just watch...the cases will fall. And when it does a strange thing will happen...authorities will say fall is due to other factors...
[Image: cWvyZWX.jpg]