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Full Version: Saab driver will use Merc as excuse liow
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Watching the video, I am sure the defence for the Saab driver will use the incident with Merc as mitigation. He will claim, the Merc driver side swipe made him panic and in shock step on the accelerator instead of brake.
Many cars in merging lanes, kena side swipe everyday.
Hoot ah
(25-04-2024, 11:46 AM)Ola Wrote: [ -> ]Many cars in merging lanes, kena side swipe everyday.

Yes, but he will claims it makes him panic. He need some reason to lessen the sentence
Why Saab driver kana, want to blame the other driver lehh?.
Dont kay kiang la...

Might as well say his car brake failed.
After the side swept, the impact caused something to drop and hence the accelerator pedal got stuck and unable to release. It’s accelerated even faster as he was trying to brake using the brake pedal.

Seems like something caught between the brake and accelerator pedal.