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Full Version: someone will be sueing pap mtf small squad
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saw their crowdfunding
already raised 25k
target amount is 50k
(04-12-2021, 07:58 PM)singaporean1964 Wrote: [ -> ]saw their crowdfunding
already raised 25k
target amount is 50k

How can an ordinary person sue the PAP MTF....before it goes to court, we will know the egg trying to break a rock.... Laughing Rotfl
(04-12-2021, 07:58 PM)singaporean1964 Wrote: [ -> ]saw their crowdfunding
already raised 25k
target amount is 50k

Who sia? What id small squad?
(04-12-2021, 08:02 PM)debono Wrote: [ -> ]How can an ordinary person sue the PAP MTF....before it goes to court, we will know the egg trying to break a rock.... Laughing Rotfl

The first major hurdle is to write an affidavit and swear before a commissioner of oath.
It must be stamped for revenue purpose.
Apart from seeing lawyer and getting the roundabout.
Sue until pants drop