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Full Version: What to do if you get retrenched | CNA Explains
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Kong Simi LJ.
Your beloved NTUC union will tell you your NTUC membership will be waived this year.

Only 1 to 2 hrs, you will be FO from the company after you are notified about your retrenchment.

As usual, they want to paint rosy picture on retrenchment. 说鬼话,不怕晚上遇到真鬼。
Where is that picture post of boasting 3.5million jobs created last year for 2.5million citizens??
(03-05-2024, 08:05 AM)red3 Wrote: [ -> ]Where is that picture post of boasting 3.5million jobs created last year for 2.5million citizens??

If you go to online Job platforms, they are so many same job posted on different platforms.
They balloon the figure?
MOM must adopt a more accurate measure of the unemployment rate in S'pore. The proportion of the adult labour force that is actively seeking employment, but is not presently engaged in productive work appears to be under-reported. Such data is estimated and based on surveys of a representative sample of households. 

These measures of economic activity in a dynamic economy are not without flaws, as they do not rely on data collected by the CPF Board, IRAS or even career centres operated by the CDCs. To compound matters, displaced workers probably do not qualify for any financial assistance from the authorities, so the likelihood of them going under the radar is high.

Such methods of deriving statistics cannot accurately measure the intent of residents who are out of work.