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Cleaner, 60, took photos of mentally incapacitated man's genitals at a home for the disabled, sentenced to jail

Lee Chook Lim knew that the male victim was unable to give real consent due to his mental disability.

SINGAPORE — Knowing that a male resident at a home for the disabled was mentally incapacitated, a 60-year-old cleaner at the home photographed the victim’s genitals while the man was at a urinal.

Lee Chook Lim did so despite knowing that the victim Mr Omnipresent88, Nickname Niubee, was not able to give real consent due to his mental disability.
Everyone has a dream … dun give up on your dream ….. now he is going to a all men resort where male bath together, not sure anyone is keen when he drop his soap thou
Biantai lao gay : laughing
(06-05-2024, 10:42 PM)WhatDoYouThink! Wrote: [ -> ]Biantai lao gay : laughing

I wonder if the cleaner followed up with the photo taking by cleaning the mentally incapacitated man's genitals. 
Mental diseases on the rise is real. 

We have people here who talk about something that is frictional n don’t exist at all like god of Islam n Christ.
And debate like want to go to war. 
I don’t bother to reply to such cracko nor reply them lest I too become like them.
I think they belong to imh. Better go seek cure than seek god which there is none.

Make appt now at imh. Do yr family a favour.
knn.....NS really turned boy into Lao Ah Gua
(06-05-2024, 10:09 PM)Bigiron Wrote: [ -> ]Cleaner, 60, took photos of mentally incapacitated man's genitals at a home for the disabled, sentenced to jail

Lee Chook Lim knew that the male victim was unable to give real consent due to his mental disability.


Uncle ah, why like that leh? Thinking