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Full Version: Mother in India throws 6-year-old son into crocodile-infested river,
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Mother in India throws 6-year-old son into crocodile-infested river, body found with arm missing

The woman had reportedly thrown the young boy into the canal after a fight with her husband.


poor boy.

India got crocodile? I thought only got snakes
Wicked gemstar might follow same
5000 years of civilisation?
(08-05-2024, 05:02 PM)Harry Lee Wrote: [ -> ]5000 years of civilisation?

They even longer. About 9,000-10,000 years.

No joke, you can go and google
Aiyoh! Crazy Indian woman.
Only shitexchange and gangs the ultimate amdk arse lickers stooge’s can do such things leh LMAO