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Foreign workers driving company vehicle to picnic with their friends at Somme Road. What sort of license do they have? time and time again, numerous examples have shown that most of them are clueless re traffic laws in Singapore... How they past highway code? Examiner stands next to them and  they tick off answers again and again till they get it right? SHAME SHAME SHAME. When an emergency vehicle  is needed and is blocked by something like this,  who has blood on  his hands? The minister of transport? MOM? In any case, scapegoats are always the lowly  dogs...

They weren't even bothered when they saw me taking photos. Took their time to say good bye to their  friends then went back to vehicle  and said “SORRY”... Like that’s ok. Kill someone also say sorry?
Another thing is they do this all  over Singapore and very few call them out. So they get away with it constantly...

[Image: aUSiDMf.jpeg]
Any parking and traffic offences their boss will just pay lah, as part of company expenses. A few hundreds is nothing to them.
actually like i said, they do this all over singapore. and actually probably rarely get caught.

in any case, this above is NOT work. they using company vehicle to see their friends on a sunday
if you are boss, you wanna pay for them?
My block has fire hose at every floor

But people just park bicycles, put floor tiles, hang clothes around it . . .

Why would anyone care since they are never fined nor things confiscated for past 15 Years??
maybe culprit may get points after this post
should be geetting a fine.. and does one get demerit points for fire hydrant offence?
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Usually they dun care much about the fines and points. Then a few days later, another driver from another company would do the same. The same thing will repeat and there's no end to it
(12-05-2024, 02:40 PM)wendychan Wrote: [ -> ]actually  like i said, they do this all over singapore. and actually probably  rarely  get caught.

in any case,  this above is NOT work. they using company  vehicle  to see their friends on a sunday
if you are boss, you wanna pay for them?

what is your solution to prevent it from happening again ?