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Full Version: Top Chinese Scholar : China economy heading to a dead end
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Years of erratic and irresponsible policies, excessive Communist Party control and undelivered promises of reform have created a dead-end Chinese economy of weak domestic consumer demand and slowing growth,” she wrote. “The only way that China’s leaders can see to pull themselves out of this hole is to fall back on pumping out exports.”
US just impose heavy tariff on China. Will China has the mean to retaliate & to face more ? Will it becomes a sitting duck this time due to its weak economy while US economy is strong.
(15-05-2024, 06:22 AM)Sline Wrote: [ -> ]US just impose heavy tariff on China,  will China has the mean to retaliate & to face more ?

Due to lopsided trade one side has the upper hand ro impose tariffs.

Chjna economy is highly dependent on externL demand from Europe and USA to buy the goods it produces because of low internal demand. ..such economies are vulnerable to sanctions and tariffs.
If sanctions and heavy traffics work they'd been used long time ago
China is going high tech and internal consumption. No more property speculation
They have imitated most Japanese, German, American etc products and software. So long as they are cheap, the world business will still approach them.
(15-05-2024, 06:22 AM)Sline Wrote: [ -> ]US just impose heavy tariff on China. Will China has the mean to retaliate & to face more ? Will it becomes a sitting duck this time due to its weak economy while US economy is strong.

the timing is tuned to b4 putin visit xi 
a pre warning to xi  do not act rashly n recklessly
Dun worry lah. Ahtiongs can survived thousands of yrs and produced so many maos. No problem
Even ah tiong scholar also see third world china as a hopeless shithole LOLOLOLOL!

Third world china is collapsing and dying before our very eyes!

No wonder wumaos so frustrated and triggered! LOLOLOLOL!
After sunday's rest, monday go look for jobs again?
so how,, buy or sell HSI????????????
(20-05-2024, 11:22 AM)WhatDoYouThink! Wrote: [ -> ]Dun worry lah. Ahtiongs can survived thousands of yrs and produced so many maos. No problem

In the 1960, when China was extremely poor, they still could invent Nuclear missile.

China this round of property crash is worse than 2008 Lehman collapse. Did you see any big bank collapse, why har?


Current generation of Chinese young generation is the most intelligent bunch of ppl in this era in the history of China. 这关闯不过,不是在搞笑吗?
(16-06-2024, 12:20 AM)WhatDoYouThink! Wrote: [ -> ]After sunday's rest, monday go look for jobs again?

Finding job is easy, finding good job is difficult. It has stolen by Ftrashes.