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(16-05-2024, 09:28 AM)Bw2023 Wrote: [ -> ]Just a coincidence that he also happens to be against prolonging the war in Ukraine, refuse to give weapons to Ukraine and resist Ukraine joining Nato

🇸🇰 Who wanted to kill Slovak Prime Minister Ficho?

These are some characteristics about him:

- He is against the war in Ukraine and is in favor of negotiations.

- He stopped the delivery of weapons to Ukraine.

- He called the regime in Ukraine a Nazi regime.

- He announced a veto for Ukraine to join the EU and NATO.

- He opposed the globalists in Washington.

It is more than clear that the CIA and the Ukrainian regime have crossed the red line in Europe for the second time after blowing up the Nord Stream gas pipeline.

斯洛伐克總理訪華前夕遇刺 烏國第2大城哈爾科夫失守? 新聞大白話 20240516
(16-05-2024, 06:30 PM)cityhantam Wrote: [ -> ]
A 71 year old man who fired five shots at Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico, is linked with pro-Russian extremist grp that Juraj Cintula, who shot Slovak PM Robert Fico, on Wednesday, May 15 was associated to right-wing, pro-Russian extremist grp. Hungarian investigative journalist reported. 

Hungarian investigative journalist, Szabolcs Panyi, wrote on X (formerly Twitter) According to 2019 report by VSquare investigative web site (the organization), which was set up around 2012, a right-wing neo-Nazi group, had become increasingly linked to Russian bodies had collaborated with nationalist Russian motorcycle gang funded by Kremlin – the Night Wolves.

Russian President Vladimir Putin pictured riding with the Night Wolves. VSquare said a number of Slovakian extremist members, including its leader, Peter Švrček, had received training from a former Russian special forces operative.

Why?. Constantly compared in media with the Nazi youth organization Hitlerjugend, Švrček said under his leadership Slovenskí Branci was distancing itself from “the sick ideals of Nazism and fascism.”

In 2016, Cintula, a self-described poet, writer and publicist wrote a diatribe on the “selfless enthusiasm” of Slovenskí Branci encouraged young men to enlist in the face of “thousands of immigrants coming to Euro.” His group is not preparing war, but “preparing to protect inhabitants, country, tradition, culture, they are patriots.”

Tbilisi Arrests 2 US Citizens During ‘Foreign Agents Bill’ Protest. Initial reports said two US citizens and one Russian citizen were among the 20 arrested at the ongoing protest against what many have called a Kremlin-inspired bill. He ended by saying: “I believe in young boys and girls & express public support for them.”

In 2022, group announced it disbanding but considered likely some of members, including Cintula, retained new pro-Russian ideology may have considered Fico’s more conciliatory tone towards Ukraine since his election tantamount to treason.

Posting on X / Twitter Mariska den Eelden, a Netherlands-based Erasmus student voiced her view that this could have been the motive:
(16-05-2024, 11:25 AM)CHAOS Wrote: [ -> ]🇸🇰 Who wanted to kill Slovak Prime Minister Ficho? 

These are some characteristics about him:

- He is against the war in Ukraine and is in favor of negotiations.

- He stopped the delivery of weapons to Ukraine. 

- He called the regime in Ukraine a Nazi regime. 

- He announced a veto for Ukraine to join the EU and NATO. 

- He opposed the globalists in Washington. 

It is more than clear that the CIA and the Ukrainian regime have crossed the red line in Europe for the second time after blowing up the Nord Stream gas pipeline.

It seems like the person was causing too much trouble for some.
Last time WWI was triggered like this in Europe lah...
(17-05-2024, 05:43 AM)ysh02 Wrote: [ -> ]Last time WWI was triggered like this in Europe lah...

Reset come growth that can last for decades. Life's short. Big Grin Going to war is easy.
World wars are started with assassination
SeeRussia Rains Fire On Ukraine After Putin Ordered Revenge For Attack On Belgorod
Russian Army launches a devastating assault on a Ukrainian stronghold near Belgorod. This aggression follows closely after a Ukrainian drone strike targets a bus near the border, resulting in casualties.
Communism will never win.