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Full Version: Thailand Airports operators 6 months profits up 400%: How's Changi Airport?
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"The airport operator experienced a remarkable increase of 400% in their profit over the past six months."
400% is just a number. Don't worry about changi airport. I'm sure Changi airport earn enough.
Any Australia airport numbers ?No?
(17-05-2024, 07:02 AM)Niubee Wrote: [ -> ]Any Australia airport numbers ?No?

Your 2 step mother from Australia still staying there?
(17-05-2024, 06:47 AM)winbig Wrote: [ -> ]400% is just a number. Don't worry about changi airport. I'm sure Changi airport earn enough.

That's the reason why we need Changi performance to compare
saw article airline staff bonus very high,
though money did not go to us.
In year 2023, Thailand recorded 105 mio passengers arrival Vs 58.9 mio @ Changi Airport.

Then, in just 6 months of 2024, a jump of 400%>

Mind you, without the help of engaging Taylor Swift's  one time contribution 🙏
(17-05-2024, 08:32 AM)Sharexchange Wrote: [ -> ]Your 2 step mother from Australia still staying there?

U referring Scythian... Noted Smile