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Full Version: 3 US MQ-9 drones worth $30 million each, have been shot down by Houthis since Nov 23
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Hamas kept reporting how many Palestinians were killed,  Houthis reporting how many drones, ships were attacked and foreigners were killed and the US alliance reporting how many Houthis missile sites and missiles were destroyed.  The war continued and Gaza and Yemen slowly become ruins only with skeleton left.
(18-05-2024, 07:39 AM)revealer Wrote: [ -> ]Hamas kept reporting how many Palestinians were killed,  Houthis reporting how many drones, ships were attacked and foreigners were killed and the US alliance reporting how many Houthis missile sites and missiles were destroyed.  The war continued and Gaza and Yemen slowly become ruins only with skeleton left.

The Hadith of Ibn `Umar who narrated that the Messenger of Allah said: "There will emerge a fire from Hadramout in Yemen or from the surrounding of the sea of Hadramout before the Last Hour to gather mankind