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“Should you reveal your salary to HR/recruiters in the early job interviewing stage?” — SG jobseeker asks
It is the budget that determines the job, not how fantastic or qualified the job seeker.

Since when in civilisations, has qualifications ever create jobs? It is always investment, budget and finance that creates it.
It's been a while since I go for job interview. One can put a salary range expectation so the other party can have a gauge to continue interview or not.
(19-05-2024, 03:24 PM)red3 Wrote: [ -> ]It is the budget that determines the job, not how fantastic or qualified the job seeker.

Since when in civilisations, has qualifications ever create jobs? It is always investment, budget and finance that creates it.

But as a employer if can get correct candidate at own lower own budget is good for them is it? Such employers do exist haha
The qualifications is for infighting amongst the job seekers themselves ... Nothing to do with the employer and job except to ensure the keywords on the resume paper is aligned with the rules and regulations for compliance and policy purpose and all depts are tick tick tick to prevent whistling and disalignment.
Absolutely! Sharing your salary with HR or recruiters early in the job interview process can be a smart move. I once hesitated, worried it might hurt my negotiating power. But when I opened up about my expectations, it actually helped tailor the discussions to roles that aligned with what I was seeking. It saved time for both parties and fostered a more transparent dialogue. Understanding HR terms like "compensation range" from platforms like HiPeople can guide you in navigating these conversations confidently.