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Full Version: 3 fully vaccinated cases (2 require oxygen supplementation while 1 requires ICU care
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Like dat must check the shapes of the blood cells.
(02-08-2021, 01:53 AM)singlon Wrote: [ -> ]Like dat must check the shapes of the blood cells.

Good morning bro, glad to see you finally found your way here.
Going for my run, see you later....... Rotfl
Fake news ? How come news didn’t report?
(02-08-2021, 06:36 AM)Cmpunk Wrote: [ -> ]Fake news ? How come news didn’t report?

Because after vaccinated, is due to underlying conditions.
Very few.
Luck is not at their sides.
Nobody forces you to take vaccination.

The authority needs to find out the root cause.
It cannot be all the cases are not related to vaccination.
(02-08-2021, 04:10 AM)Huliwang Wrote: [ -> ]Good morning bro, glad to see you finally found your way here.
Going for my run, see you later....... Rotfl

Fake lion lah. See properly...
Fun Fact : Flu vaccines will deteriorate over time...
(02-08-2021, 08:40 AM)RichDad Wrote: [ -> ]Fake lion lah. See properly...

You are correct, fake one. Lion dun use words like "really ah" and Lion's posts were in parables ........ Big Grin
One plus for you....
(02-08-2021, 01:53 AM)singlon Wrote: [ -> ]Like dat must check the shapes of the blood cells.

Lion lost a tooth to become "lon"?
no scientific evidence.
Now no more kung flu, now is the more dangerous neh flu and Assmerica flu
(01-08-2021, 11:36 PM)happyharvest Wrote: [ -> ]3 fully vaccinated cases (2 require oxygen supplementation while 1 requires ICU care as they have underlying medical conditions) | HardwareZone Forums


Aiya, 3 out of 40 are fully jabbed and only 1 in ICU while the rest is not jabbed .... so what it tells you. Jabbed protects