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Full Version: US House Speaker Mike Johnson threatens ICC chief prosecutor
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He yelled the U.S. must punish the ICC if not the U.S. could be the next to be prosecuted for war crimes.
He also invited Israel's Netanyahu to address U.S. Congress soon.
USA is bought by Israel lobby esp wall st financial call the shots.
(25-05-2024, 01:43 PM)lvlrsSTI Wrote: [ -> ]He yelled the U.S. must punish the ICC if not the U.S. could be the next to be prosecuted for war crimes.
Tio loh. 

US the evil pirate ought to be chopped into thousands of pieces.  

The US congress is controlled by the Zionist regime with money paid for by US taxpayers.

Even the CECAs couldn't pull off such a stunt on the MIW in Singapore LOL!