SG Talk

Full Version: HK researchers develop stainless steel that kills 99% of Covid-19 virus within hours
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Kaisu Singapore developer develops Acid, now you see and next you don't see, that kills 100% of Covid-19 virus instantly.
Have they taken medicines?
how u kill Codes?
Why honkees so smart? Sinkees only good at using cockroaches to look for life signs in disaster sites....... Big Grin
Some people wear silver for a purpose.
(08-12-2021, 04:42 PM)theold Wrote: [ -> ]Some people wear silver for a purpose.

Bacterias are Beings. They are pathogens. Can be killed
Viruses are pcs of RNA or DNA.
U need Crispr hope i get the spelling right... wait i bring video out...
This was approved without our permission beri dangerous.
to bring the matter to a conclusive ending another has to be dealt with
Inflammations ...... oxidative stress measurable as electricity flow of electrons.
This stage must be grounded to zero like walking barefooted for 8 hours.... going to the sea.
Vit C at hi dosage is helpful. Mother nature or u assist by grounding a rod deep into her and using said as Grounding.
During time like this from 4G and 5G doing harm to us we must know
I like to add another.
Not directly related but useful
If u have an Aquarium and u want them to live long
A filter system is a must.
After awhile u realise this:
Both aerobic and anaerobic
Full of oxygen lack of oxygen
must be employed.
U use sand or cat litter to achieve
In the Body i think the bones' spaces will have anerobic conditions.
(08-12-2021, 04:42 PM)theold Wrote: [ -> ]Some people wear silver for a purpose.

But Covid is a virus not bacteria.
The word Virus in latin means Poison.
Basically they r pcs of RNA or DNA.
Codes which Crispr can handle meaning they can change your DNA by editings.
We now have 2 committees looking into related but different sets.
Committee on Parliamentary Deciplines on Lying
And Committee on Corona on a phantom disease called covid19
Leading the charge on Corona based on the Nuremburg codes is

[Image: Screenshot-from-2021-12-09-01-09-07.png]
German Attorney at Laws
This is the FORCE that shall take them all down