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Full Version: 4 people around me got Covid
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My colleague got covid with bad sore throat.

My spouse friend who takes bus to go NTUC every 3 days once

My neighbour who drives to fetch grandson to kindergarten. Having fever with sore throat.

My friend’s friend.
Singapore over population sure easy to spread spread
Most of my colleagues also tio covid 2nd and 3rd time, even though most of them triple jab mrna. Only me 2X Sinopharm jabs, only tio covid once, almost two years ago.
(29-05-2024, 09:55 PM)ODA TETSURO Wrote: [ -> ]Most of my colleagues also tio covid 2nd and 3rd time, even though most of them triple jab mrna. Only me 2X Sinopharm jabs, only tio covid once, almost two years ago.

need some advice on who will notch be happy about this! Tongue