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Full Version: Japan faces delicate balance over Beijing Olympics boycott
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What is there to boycott?

Did China boycott Tokyo Olympics?
they feel paiseh if they dun show support to big bro
It is a political boycott and not sports boycott. Govt reps of boycott countries are not attending but their sports people are participating. So no big deal lah.... Rolleyes
Boycott for fk?

There are more important issues, like Covid, feeding the poor, climate changes etc which need the whole world to come together to solve. 

Not helping to solve problems but adding to it.
Sports and politics should never mix. It will just cause a tit-for-tat. E.g. China can also boycott the 2028 Olympics in LA, 2032 in Brisbane. 2030 in Sapporo (likely). Never ending.
All are just diplomatic boycott?
Not boycott actual participation of the games ....right?
(09-12-2021, 12:57 PM)sgbuffett Wrote: [ -> ]All are just diplomatic boycott?
Not boycott actual participation of the games ....right?

All backside itchy!
(08-12-2021, 01:54 PM)kokee Wrote: [ -> ]country must use technology, invention, producdtivity to win the economy race & the world.
china try to use money & woman. for olympic, china spend how much money & how many woman?
WTO, WHO, UN, africa vote, laos, cambodia, latin america, their russia father, NK.
money is super evil under the hand of devil.
上海小紅樓藏嬌供官商 幾十妙齡女子 大驚小怪是土包 中國崛起全靠她. This is recently top news, all the lady sexual slavery for top leaders in shanghai. that is why ccp china rely on dirty money & sexual slavery to win.
5 cents serve, dont enjoy.


上海小紅樓藏嬌供官商 歐式裝潢 幾十妙齡女子 大驚小怪是土包 中國崛起全靠她

(09-12-2021, 12:33 PM)kokee Wrote: [ -> ]as I said yesterday, after australia followed US tonboycott beijing olympic, almost all western & advanced country will follow.
today NZ, canada, UK join in. Most EUrope, taiwan, korea, japan, even russia & winter sport leading country will join to boycott.
china use money & woman to buy votes all the time, whole wo9rld know, thru sex & greed. US no need to rely on all these evil tactics.


all these stupid moronic 5 cents here, what politic or sport boycott, country boycott means will not send ministers or atheletes to olympic.
at the same time if more influential country boycott, they will change venue.
noe whole EU is in final stage to decide, japan will follow 5 eyes eventually, nothing to shy.
whole world democratic country must step forward to fight this no human right communist dictatorship evil.

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