SG Talk

Full Version: Golf is a dirty sport that's wrecking the planet. But it doesn't have to be.
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By Tom Pilcher, for CNN

Updated 1202 GMT (2002 HKT) December 8, 2021

The 30 or so golf courses in the Salt Lake County of Utah drink up around nine million gallons of water a day to stay pristine green -- that's more than 13 Olympic-sized swimming pools.

Managing the turf on golf courses also means using carbon-intensive fertilizers, plenty of mowing and, in many cases, clearing forests or trees that were soaking up carbon-dioxide to make way for long tracts of fairway.

In other words, golf is a dirty sport that's wrecking the planet. But it doesn't have to be.

The impact of golf on the climate and environment has led to growing calls to make the sport more sustainable -- even to play on bone-dry courses

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