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Full Version: Food Commenter Went Back to HK
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2 years later, found many restaurants where he wrote about food tasting faced bleak times, some have zero diners.
HK has lost its competitive edge. Now HKers are going to Shenzhen in droves to shop and eat there at a fraction of the cost of that in HK.

I was in HK recently and was pissed off at the level of service there. Why should I spend my money there when the service staff dun even treat me with respect?
[Image: IMG-8003.jpg]
Singapore going to be the same if we don't lower our rental and food price.
Hong Kong will not do well any more after China more or less seize control of it. That's why Taiwan people do not be want to be uder China.

I am not saying this out of dislike for China its just the  plain truth and has already happened. HSI erase decades of gains. HKgers are leaving. Ask anyone from HK and they will tell you how bad situation is.

These are just truths pro China refuse to accept because of their biasness.
Let it be over. They ask for it, and it's dispensable. Sz and hn can take over, and are doing very well.  Laughter-144
When's gorden ching chong chiang going to write about the collapse of hk?