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Full Version: China warns Australia & US will 'pay a price' for Winter Olympics boycott 'farce'
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Only losers quit
all these 5 cents clowns here & moronic ccp china, they shouted US not invited, now so angry warn to pay a price, lies in all their barking yet slap their own face all the time.
beijing olympic committee said US is invited now.
all the commies jokers here BS in all their posts.
(10-12-2021, 12:24 PM)lvlrsSTI Wrote: [ -> ]

Tit for tat...relationship can only go down hill.

Reminds me of Soviet vs US. Except Soviet did not have many economy links to the rest of the world compare with China. 

Again the US will use its common post war, cold war strategy.
Gathering the members of the democratic club, slow economy squeeze, and constant pressure.

China will gather support from countries like Vietnam, Iran, etc. Likely Africa nations, etc many will play both sides to get maximum. Economic gains.

US US using this window of slow China economic growth, economic troubles to cut access to foreign capital I.e. USD
...just like how Asia was hit in 1997 when the USD punchbowl was taken away and investments flee. 

The last attempt was in 2015....when China stocks and bonds plunged. And western media everyday echo the panic in China. China had to tighten its currency controls as its own citizens were moving money out in record pace. If not for Yuan being  controled currency...they would not have salvaged the situation....and look like Thailand in 1997 crisis.

[Image: XRHRd12.jpg]
Chinese vs Anglo Saxons