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Full Version: Jail for man who kept scamming victims even after being arrested
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Jail for man who kept scamming victims even after being arrested and released on bail three times
Sentinel ?
(11-06-2024, 08:47 PM)Lukongsimi Wrote: [ -> ]Sentinel ?
Eat too full. Nothing better to do and keep stalking and trailing posts.
24 Year Old Malaysian was caught and bailed out a few times. Yet he continue to scam others while out on bail. Why his photo is not revealed? He is truly a trash.
another jhk scam sinkies.
(11-06-2024, 10:34 PM)Gemstar Wrote: [ -> ]I Eat too full. Nothing better to do and keep stalking and trailing posts.

I see a hypocrite !
(12-06-2024, 08:22 AM)IWy:Nox Wrote: [ -> ]24 Year Old Malaysian was caught and bailed out a few times. Yet he continue to scam others while out on bail. Why his photo is not revealed? He is truly a trash.
Lots of jhk came here thought can get easy money. Lured and enticed by our strong dollar.
(12-06-2024, 08:22 AM)Wy:Nox Wrote: [ -> ]24 Year Old Malaysian was caught and bailed out a few times. Yet he continue to scam others while out on bail. Why his photo is not revealed? He is truly a trash.
How come he is not repatriated since he committed crimes so many times?