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“Paying so much tax for this kind of tech?” — Error message on ERP 2.0 sparks fresh criticism over the use of taxpayer funds
No blame culture pls.
(18-06-2024, 12:42 PM)K88 shu shu Wrote: [ -> ]No blame culture pls.

Can blame la... the previous minister for transport not around liao
That Tat- Tat needs another 10 YEARS of training to be Minister, lah

Tax payers are forced to pay for his 10 YEARS Training Program

Should cut his salary by 80% for another 5 years.
(18-06-2024, 06:14 PM)BlinEquipment over heated after checking the voltage ? NO fire lucky pay more on electricity.Unregulated. Wrote: [ -> ][Image: 20240617-143441.jpg]

alas and did my savior bleed lyrics
The same problem as simplygo.

Ministers fixing things that ain't broken, just to score in KPI to get higher bonuses.
User is expected to troubleshoot and resolve the error
We should have gotten the crown prince to be in charge of this project.
Dont laugh!
Never use BeiDou satellite.
Signal loss.

Use crap technology and no thorough product tests by qualified Product Engineer.
Spending so much money for something with very little benefits!
The scholar who pitched this idea to his bosses probably has already gotten his triple promotion and beyond touch.
Regarding the bulky size of ERP 2.0 I read elsewhere men like dua liap ni mah. So the QA and project managers etc all envision the ERP 2.0 as ni so must be as dua liap as possible. You ask motorist pay monies pay so much so small like not money worth so build one dua liap to let them feel value for monies mah.
too sad. the then transport min too busy other bigger things.
left these to the officer in charge. result is using necessary unit like display.
whicj dirver don't have a mobile phone that can install apps.
event their own parking apps uses mobile to install. detect location, one select the location then on the meter.
switch off to stop pay.

why erp cannot be like that. a unit for detection of location. then uses app to show if driver want to see transactions.

waste tax payer money only? later if new car has to pay means more money.
the cash card and cash card units also totally uncessary.

the manufacturer of cash card unit huat ah. no know what they do to make office think it is needed????