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Full Version: Where was Osama hiding when he was killed? Guess...
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So he wasn't hiding in Afghanistian where Bush fought the war demanding Taliban surrender Osama.

There was also no WND in Iraq.

Critics were right. Neocons took the country to war to settle old scores with Saddam who was once pro American and went rogue when he invaded Kuwait.

The US's own intelligence showed that the Pakistani intelligence were haboring terrorists for their own purpose.

[Image: Jjl831v.jpeg]

The wars greatly undermined US' standing and credibility.
He was killed in a housed  within 200m away from PIB.pakistan Intel building..
(19-06-2024, 09:55 AM)Blin Wrote: [ -> ]He was killed in a housed  within 200m away from PIB.pakistan Intel building..

Heard from inner source he was caught with his pants down in a Pakistani bordello.    Rolleyes
the fact that the entire SEAL team that killed Osama was killed shortly after that...................and that they dumped Osama's body into the Indian Ocean..................very obvious liao..............

Osama died long long time ago................