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🚶Tired of the office & fancy a walk?

The longest sheltered walk in S'pore's CBD is a 58-minute jaunt through 4 MRT stations & 16 buildings. Just nice for your lunch hour. 


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I did the walk in the link below several times. Will try the CBD walk one day.
I remember enjoying long walks overseas during autumn, winter and spring. It's very different trying to walk - even along sheltered walkways - in hot and humid S'pore.
(19-06-2024, 12:17 PM)EvertonDiehard Wrote: [ -> ]I remember enjoying long walks overseas during autumn, winter and spring. It's very different trying to walk - even along sheltered walkways - in hot and humid S'pore.

Me too.

They are also very different from indoor airconditioned walkways as shown in the above 2 videos.
(19-06-2024, 12:21 PM)Levin Wrote: [ -> ]Me too. They are also very different from indoor airconditioned walkways as shown in the above 2 videos.

Even my evening walks in SG are uncomfortable owing to the traffic, noise, mosquitoes, crowds of people, warm and humid weather conditions etc.  
(19-06-2024, 12:25 PM)EvertonDiehard Wrote: [ -> ]Even my evening walks in SG are uncomfortable owing to the traffic, noise, mosquitoes, crowds of people, warm and humid weather conditions etc.  

Must plan properly. I avoid walking ALONG roads (lanes are ok but I try to avoid that too) so traffic is not that much of a problem. And I usually start early if I start walking from home like around 5+am. If the starting point is far from home then I start around 7am as I need to get there by some transport.

I also usually do it on Sundays or holidays so traffic will be a lot less. A lot less people too early in the morning. They tend to come out in late mornings during Sundays and holidays. 

Although I am a "mosquito attractor", I don't really get mosquitoes bites so much as nature walks for me starts after 7am and I tried to avoid those less well-used routes that tend to have more mosquitoes. 

I usually end my walks in the morning so my walks will not so hot, especially if I start around 5+am.
(19-06-2024, 12:36 PM)Levin Wrote: [ -> ]Must plan properly. I avoid walking ALONG roads (lanes are ok but I try to avoid that too) so traffic is not that much of a problem. And I usually start early if I start walking from home like around 5+am. If the starting point is far from home then I start around 7am as I need to get there by some transport.I also usually do it on Sundays or holidays so traffic will be a lot less. A lot less people too early in the morning. They tend to come out in late mornings during Sundays and holidays. Although I am a "mosquito attractor", I don't really get mosquitoes bites so much as nature walks for me starts after 7am and I tried to avoid those less well-used routes that tend to have more mosquitoes. I usually end my walks in the morning so my walks will not so hot, especially if I start around 5+am.

Thanks for sharing. Owing to work on weekdays and marketing early in the morning on weekends, I usually walk in the evenings. My home is within close proximity to the rail corridor, so to reduce the number of mosquito encounters, I prefer walking along the pavement of the major roads. I normally begin my walks after dinner so I will tend to go out from about 8 pm and return at around 9:30 pm. The humidity is still felt at that time even though it is not as warm as walking in the daytime. 
(19-06-2024, 12:56 PM)EvertonDiehard Wrote: [ -> ]Thanks for sharing. Owing to work on weekdays and marketing early in the morning on weekends, I usually walk in the evenings. My home is within close proximity to the rail corridor, so to reduce the number of mosquito encounters, I prefer walking along the pavement of the major roads. I normally begin my walks after dinner so I will tend to go out from about 8 pm and return at around 9:30 pm. The humidity is still felt at that time even though it is not as warm as walking in the daytime. 

I noticed that night-time walks are hotter too. Morning walks are cooler as the routes (especially concrete pavements that cooled slower than grass) have been "cooled" through the night.
(19-06-2024, 12:59 PM)Levin Wrote: [ -> ]I noticed that night-time walks are hotter too. Morning walks are cooler as the routes (especially concrete pavements that cooled slower than grass) have been "cooled" through the night.

The air quality at night is also poorer than in the early morning. You are right about the heat escaping from the concrete walkways during my evening strolls. That plus the fumes from traffic are a real discouragement from going on long walks in SG. I enjoy my strolls in autumn and winter in temperate countries though. Nothing beats those evening walks after dinner.