SG Talk

Full Version: 4 Dead, 9 injured in Arkansas Grocery Store Shooting (more news)
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With gun ownership being legal in the US, life has become more uncertain over there than in India. An individual minding his own business when out and about may be shot and killed at any moment. If shooters don't get you, then drunk or drug fuelled drivers, murderers, rapists or mentally deranged killers will. Americans have more to fear from their fellow citizens than from Islamic extremists. 
Welcome to America.
Another "spade of violence" in USA ?

Why this does not interest sgbuffett ? Big Grin
I was in New York about 5 years ago for about 1 month.   

I moved about in their various streets and lanes without realizing the dangers.   

Luckily, nothing happened to me then.   


They Make America GREAT Again!