SG Talk

Full Version: This Newbie Better Close His Account
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Early. Total loss todate is RMB 77,500.
This retired former CEO of GLOBAL TIMES so engrossed in CHINA growth story tt he invested about 700,000 yuan in CHINA A-stock about a year ago. Today, his total losses is about 70,500 yuan or slightly more than 10%. He still believe in recovering his money.
His losses increased to 90,000 yuan today
Only low iq like wumao invest in third world china LOLOLOLOLOL!

All the big investors already abandon that hellhole.

Why do you think so many ah tiongs have no jobs and want to flee their failed country LOLOLOLOL! Tongue Tongue Tongue
This is a blardy stupid thread. Trying to gloat at people's loss? What a loser.
Now this newbie realised stock market is the places where people fights and gamble.