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Full Version: Changi Airport staff, couple who dined at 4 restaurants....
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Changi Airport staff, couple who dined at 4 restaurants in Orchard and Scotts Road test preliminarily positive for Omicron ..

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F&B down talk non stop open....less than 1 meter exposed...
Best part never mention which restaurants???
The imported case need supervised ART result in detecting Omicron...  Big Grin

saw people say.
(15-12-2021, 11:36 PM)[[ForeverAlone]] Wrote: [ -> ]Best part never mention which restaurants???

Quote:The couple had dined at four restaurants over two days - Mizuki at Ngee Ann City, Li Bai Cantonese Restaurant at Sheraton Towers Singapore, and Merci Marcel at Palais Renaissance on Dec 8, and Signs A Taste Of Vietnam Pho at Orchard Gateway on Dec 9.

This couple is rather irresponsible. Just arrived in SG and went so many places after landing. Can roam freely doesn't mean that they should.
[Image: Screenshot-2021-12-16-at-02-05-27-U-S-Ar...ations.png]

Take ur vaccines
[Image: Screenshot-2021-12-16-at-02-44-51-Changi...urants.png]
(16-12-2021, 01:31 AM)starbugs Wrote: [ -> ]

This couple is rather irresponsible. Just arrived in SG and went so many places after landing. Can roam freely doesn't mean that they should.

Prepare for a spike …. will go back to the thousand again?