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Full Version: Trump was claiming that God was on his side.
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Trump was claiming that God is on his side because he must win the ‘Christian’ vote. The Republican Party used to be a fairly broad church, but these days its core support comes from a particular brand of American Christians who are very visible but not as numerous as they seem.

These Protestant ‘evangelical’ Christians have taken to calling themselves Christian Nationalists, and they can be counted on to vote Republican no matter what. However, there are only enough of them to put Trump back in the White House if a lot of other Americans don’t vote at all.

There’s no grounds for complaint about Trump pretending to pray and his audience pretending to believe that he really means it.

In Britain, Sweden and Australia, only around 30% of the population see themselves as religious. In Japan, South Korea and China, only about 15% do. Moreover, the trend line is downward in every case.

In the midst of this, the United States has seemed the great exception: a developed country in which religion still dominates in public life. But it’s really more of a grand illusion, because the rot (if that’s what it is) set in quite a while ago.

The 2023 version of the same poll revealed that among 18-to-34-year-old Americans, only 59% believe in God.