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Full Version: Even the King's horse dislikes uncivilized ah tiong
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ah tiong never read the sign

no dogs and chinese allowed
Cumkong koyoke the ultimate amdk arse lickers stooge’s you don't know meh your daddies will reward you shiploads of cum don't forget to chak yoke hor LMAO
(24-07-2024, 09:44 PM)grotesqueness Wrote: [ -> ]ah tiong never read the sign

no dogs and chinese allowed

Amdk arse lickers stooge’s work in lawyer office kopi kia very buay song hor jjww 
Cum the horse 
Cum the horse 
Cum the horse
[Image: IMG-20240725-000303.jpg]

Civilized angmoh they aso bit
Even horse also don't like ah tiongs lolololololol!

Third world china reputation is so smelly even animal don't like Tongue Tongue Tongue

Truly the enemy of the world like wumao Tongue Tongue Tongue
There a sign there that warns people the horse may bite or kick. The horse should have just kick the ass out of her. Some more such a big action.