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Trump and Harris locked in tight races in four key swing states: pollĀ

Trump is doing as well or better than he did in 2020 in a head-to-head race against Harris while support for the veep exceeds what Biden received in April in the states.
US today ish more woke than in 2020 and yet many woke crowds also felt they may had hit the peak and their influence may start to decline especially if there ish a "far-right" president taking over. So most of those woke weirdo and leftists are terrified at the fact that Trump will win another term. Though personally moi felt they are losing influence ish mainly because more companies start to realize that if they go woke they might go broke as woke businesses ish no longer making $$$. But to the woke crowds, ish it always the far-right nazi fault that they are losing their holding.

Therefore nao all see Harris as their savior and come out to back her dip dip, especially hollywood and various LGBT\women right groups. And many asians also scare of Trump anti-migrants plus white supremacy preaching, they too nao come out to back Harris dip dip.

So it seem like no longer a sure win for Trump liao. Sad
americans who will vote for kamala are purely voting based on anti-trump sentiments, thats all

putting 2 crazy fellas on the voting stage really depicts how much US has declined in the last 10 years