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Full Version: Cost of Living Comparison Between Singapore and Australia
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(19-12-2021, 01:08 PM)lvlrsSTI Wrote: [ -> ][Image: 81-D8024-C-54-EB-44-DE-9-E1-D-1865-B7-C6-CDFF.png]

The biggest difference is the price of Volkswagen, and Toyota Corolla cars........ Angry
The very bad combination of expensive public transport which is not comparable in quality to Singapore and cheap cars will lead to bad situation of people buying cars and polluting the environment.

There should be more deterrent against car ownership good low cost public transport and high cost of of car ownership is good.
(19-12-2021, 01:19 PM)debono Wrote: [ -> ]The biggest difference is the price of Volkswagen, and Toyota Corolla cars........ Angry

That is a good thing. It helps to deter people who don't really need a car to take public transport.

Pollution and congestion will cause our quality of life to decline.
(19-12-2021, 01:45 PM)sgbuffett Wrote: [ -> ]The very bad combination of expensive  public transport which is not comparable in quality to Singapore and cheap cars will lead to bad situation of people buying cars and polluting the environment.

There should be more deterrent against car ownership good low cost public transport and high cost of of car ownership is good.

(19-12-2021, 01:47 PM)sgbuffett Wrote: [ -> ]That is a good thing. It helps to deter people who don't really need a car to take public transport.

Pollution and congestion will cause our quality of life to decline.

I am not going to argue on the ownership of cars, in fact I agree with your reasoning not to have many cars on our roads, which will increase our carbon footprints...As our MRT lines cover most of the island, and with many buses plying our roads, I am happy to travel by public transport.... Clapping Laughing
Aust cheaper. A car is like a handphone.
If can self control, actually both are identical.