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Full Version: only 126 browsing. whats happening?
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[Image: Screenshot-2021-12-19-20-08-14-845.png]
(19-12-2021, 08:10 PM)menghuii Wrote: [ -> ][Image: Screenshot-2021-12-19-20-08-14-845.png]

126 browsing is considered good already....some may want to join the forum after reading some of our posts/threads.. Clapping
Maybe we have hit saturation. A realisation.
Here a victim who addressed the public abt Royal hunting parties.
You take the RED pill u stay in your wonderland
Dr. Robert Young
(20-12-2021, 01:49 AM)singlon Wrote: [ -> ]You take the RED pill u stay in your wonderland

when ah? keep hearing all this but nothing happen.
(20-12-2021, 02:56 AM)happyharvest Wrote: [ -> ]when ah? keep hearing all this but nothing happen.

we r dealing with Humans.
who r the good who r the bad.
when it happens and not happens Time will tell
But the present trajectory is Bad.
Great Reset. Presently Joe could not find the money to get it done.
Humans r culled and tags like animals.
we in Singapore see our love ones jabbed with substances we can only hope r not poisonous.
Most likely r. U hear the Dr. Young out.
U rich u can put him on the stand. He has to defend.
Once the poisons r shoo into the little ones, Done  no tears r required.
This weekend all busy shopping, no time in the forum. You got go Orchard Rd/Suntec city/Bugis Super crowded. This garment is belittle about Omicron variant.. crying
Have market talk? tc alot.
(19-12-2021, 08:10 PM)menghuii Wrote: [ -> ]only 126 browsing. whats happening?

126 considered quite good leow for sgtalk. Quite often below 100.
Now forumer don't update on covid-19 new cases I need to go MOH website to look for it; don't need come here already...
Boring infiltrated by 五毛党
Wah what happens to this forum? Getting boring.
Either we take them out or we b sleeping 6 ft underground more likely burnt to ashes.
Only the intel interesting abt Treasury absorbing the Federal reserve.
Meaning no money for London Vatican and Washington DC.
Ya hor; old Sgtalk daily seeing the forum were a lot....why now no so popular?
(22-12-2021, 12:40 AM)TalkingRabbit Wrote: [ -> ]Wah what happens to this forum? Getting boring.

Need more porn Big Grin

Paging talents Laughing
(22-12-2021, 12:40 AM)TalkingRabbit Wrote: [ -> ]Wah what happens to this forum? Getting boring.

Wah the many clones also never comes back. What happens?
Forums have all become boring. Not in step with the times.