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Full Version: T cells are a type of white blood cell that can ‘remember’ antigens for decades.
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T cells are a type of white blood cell that can ‘remember’ antigens for decades. Vaccines developed using this new approach may provide more lasting protection.

Current vaccines target the spike protein of SARS-CoV-2. This protein mutates frequently, which could make currently available vaccines less effective.

Researchers in the United States recently investigated the effects of T cells that recognize a different protein in the virus — one that does not mutate as quickly as the spike protein.
If u care to go further Dr. Robert Young will make u scrutinise Red blood cells more in term of taking the blows from poisons up to yeasts and molds.
Dat's why old people u smell moldy is a sign they r disintergrating(degenearating) going to die soon.

For old people, it is more information to store. As there are more information, it is harder to retrieve that piece of information that you are looking for. It takes time.
Need inactivated vaccines to boost memories
Aiyo since they vaccination craze already said that inactivated ones are better cos the entire virus is used so your body recognizes it...

It's not some advanced science, it has been there since scientist and doctors work on vaccine and medicine eons ago...