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Full Version: NUS chiobu demands from fiancee condo allowance
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NUSwhispers cannot be trusted one.
(22-12-2021, 01:21 PM)BigBossX Wrote: [ -> ]

If that indeed is the gal, even with mosaic I think she not some hot babe to die for. The guy better learn to shop around first... Lol
(22-12-2021, 01:21 PM)BigBossX Wrote: [ -> ]

Is she a beauty? I doubt so looking at this photo. The guy should go look for a better one.
If the guy has some grey matters between the ears, he will change his plan - look for a new girl friend!
Same stories recycled over and over. Really such a kum gong kia exist, he deserved to be screwed.
(22-12-2021, 01:29 PM)Sticw Wrote: [ -> ]If that indeed is the gal, even with mosaic I think she not some hot babe to die for. The guy better learn to shop around first... Lol

You mean the photo is not the fiance? If so, I agree. The guy better check around first.